And now, another 15 minutes after I wrote that a half hour has passed, here are my goals:
- Home. I want my home to be a haven. Clean. Uncluttered. The things I use easy to find and close at hand. Decorated in a way I like. Easy access to outdoors. Beautiful views from windows. Sunny. Peaceful -- no loud noises of traffic and rowdy people. In walking distance of the places I want to go. In the short term, I need to work on cleaning and de-cluttering, and setting up a system to keep it that way. In the long term, I want to re-locate.
- Outdoors. I want to live in a climate conducive to spending time outdoors. I want to walk, rollerblade, just sit around looking at scenery. I want to go to outdoor fairs, festivals, and farmer's markets.
- Physical activity. I want to dance, walk, and do tai chi.
- Read, write, compile. I want to have quiet time for reading, writing and compiling. I want to compile family history information.
- Community. I want to be a part of creating a community in which people treat each other with respect, seek to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and compassion, and seek to live sustainably.
- Music. I want to listen to music, share music with others, compile playlists, play musical instruments, and sing.
- Family and friends. I want to be part of a circle of family and friends. I want to support my family and friends, and I want them to support me.
- Enjoyment. I want a life full of joy, playfulness, and contentment.
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